


本データ保護方針は、Caterpillarが個人情報を収集、保存、使用および移転する方法について説明しています。本データ保護方針は、Our Values in Action(Caterpillarの世界的な行動規範)に明記されている価値と原則を反映しています。

本データ保護方針は、別紙A(Caterpillarのデータ管理者/法人)に特定されているCaterpillarの子会社、関連会社、およびCaterpillar Inc.が支配するその他の組織体(総称して「Caterpillar」)に適用されます。本データ保護方針は、CaterpillarがCaterpillarの目的で個人情報を収集またはその他処理している場合(すなわち、Caterpillarが(単独でまたは他の組織体と共同で)管理者であり、よって個人情報が処理される目的および方法を決定する場合)に適用されます。本データ保護方針は、Caterpillarが、Caterpillarのディーラー、サプライヤーおよび顧客など、他社に代わり個人情報を収集またはその他処理している場合には適用されません。

あなたのデータの「管理者」である、該当するCaterpillar組織体は、 あなたが関係を有している組織体、例えば顧客として(あなたの購入注文書もしくはCaterpillarとの間の他の契約に記載されているCaterpillar企業など)、従業員として(あなたが関係を築くことを試みているか、関係を築いているCaterpillar企業など)、またはサプライヤーとして(あなたがサプライヤー関係を築くことを試みているか、関係を築いているCaterpillar企業など)関係を有している組織体を含みます。Caterpillarは、本データ保護方針を定期的に確認し、変更がないか把握しておくことを推奨しています。


·         Caterpillarの求職者もしくは従業員(すなわち、職員、人員および労働者)またはCaterpillarに関する業務を実施するために現在雇用されているか、過去に雇用されていたその他の人(臨時社員を含みます)(総称して「従業員」)

·         Caterpillarの顧客と関係のある者(ディーラー、ディーラーの顧客、販売店、販売店の顧客、直接販売顧客、販売員およびその他のリセラー)(総称して「顧客」)

·         サプライヤーの従業員など、Caterpillarのサプライヤーと関係のある者(臨時労働者、職員、人員および契約者など)(総称して「サプライヤー」)





·         連絡先情報(名前、住所、電話番号、緊急連絡先情報)

·         社会保障番号またはその他の国民識別番号/納税者識別番号

·         識別情報および証明情報(写真、運転免許証、パスポート、その他の身元証明書など)

·         情報セキュリティデータ(Caterpillarの情報技術または通信機器を用いていずれかの人が作成、保存または送信した通信など)

·         通信、契約書、購入注文書、支払および受取勘定など(ただしこれらに限定されません)の項目を履行するための情報

·         適用法を遵守するために必要なその他の情報(有効な捜査令状、召喚令状または裁判所命令を含みます)



·         業務上の連絡先(会社の名前、住所、電話番号など)

·         個人の代表者の連絡先情報:(氏名、住所、電話番号、Eメールアドレス)

·         請求情報(金融勘定データ、請求書、領収書など)

·         クライアント関係管理情報(顧客のプロファイルを設定するか、マーケティングオートメーションを促進するために必要な情報など)

·         修理情報(修理の必要性および状況など)

·         保証情報(購入履歴、延長保証など)

·         顧客満足情報



·         背景情報(生年月日、結婚歴、扶養情報、民族性および/または国籍など)

·         居住情報(労働許可状況など)

·         金融勘定情報

·         紹介情報(推薦状または紹介状、前雇用者または同僚からの報告書など)

·         身元確認情報(与信調査および犯罪歴確認、薬物およびアルコール検査)

·         医療情報(処方記録、保険金請求、請求に関する給付金支払明細書など)

·         生体認証情報(指紋など)

·         労働組合の加入の有無

·         自動車情報(運転歴、車両登録、運転免許証番号)

·         職業資格情報(職歴、学歴など)

·         雇用関係情報(職歴、新たな雇用形態、技能、学歴および研修、業績評価、目標、出勤、欠勤、有給休暇の取得資格および請求、報酬歴、労働災害・疾病報告、懲戒問題、苦情など)


·         居住情報(労働許可状況など)

·         金融勘定情報

·         背景情報(デューディリジェンスなど)

·         職業資格情報(職歴、学歴など)

·         紹介情報(推薦状または紹介状、前雇用者または同僚からの報告書など)

·         生体認証情報(指紋など)








また、Caterpillarの施設または拠点に立ち入る個人に対しては、写真またはビデオが撮影される場合があります(監視カメラ(CCTV, Closed Circuit Television)など)。
















Caterpillarの施設またはシステムへの物理的アクセスまたは遠隔アクセスの許可 (認証など)












































第5条  Caterpillarが個人情報を安全に保護する方法


第6条  Caterpillarが個人情報を保管する期間


第7条  Caterpillarが個人情報を処分する方法





·         当社の業務を支援するベンダー、サービスプロバイダーおよびその他のパートナー(技術インフラサービスの提供など)

·         法執行機関またはその他の政府機関(法により義務付けられる場合、顧客により承認された場合、Caterpillar、人または財産の保護のため、政府許可の申請などにおける業務支援のため)

·         子会社、関連会社およびCaterpillarが支配するその他の組織体

·         Caterpillarに代わり個人情報を処理するその他の第三者サービスプロバイダー

·         Caterpillarがその事業の一部を分割する(または分割を検討する)際に取得する側の組織体(または取得に関心を持っている組織体)

·         (従業員のみ)従業員に医療または金融計画サービスを提供するベンダー



·         要求が法的助言および手続に関係しているため

·         情報の主題に関して秘匿特権が主張される場合があるため

·         個人情報に、開示に同意していない第三者の個人情報も含まれており、開示により当該第三者のプライバシーが影響を受けるため

·         要求が十分に詳細ではないか、既に回答されているため

·         要求が取るに足らないものであるか、頻繁に行われるため

·         (従業員のみ)情報から秘密の紹介情報が開示される可能性があるため。




あなたがサプライヤーである場合は、「セルフサービス」アクセスのため、所属する組織の、コーポレートウェブセキュリティID(CWS ID)を維持しているか、サプライヤーデータ管理アプリ(Supplier Connectなど)へのアクセス権を有するCaterpillar担当者に問い合わせることができます。


第10条  追加情報の取得場所

本データ保護方針に関して質問がある場合は、メール([email protected])または電話(+1 309-494-3282(DATA))でお問い合わせいただくか、下記連絡先に郵便でご連絡ください。自身の個人情報が本データ保護方針に反する方法で扱われていると考える場合は、[email protected]宛のEメール、Caterpillarのビジネスプラクティスオフィス(へのアクセス、または電話(+1 (800) 300-7898または上記ウェブサイトに記載されている国別の電話番号)で遠慮なく連絡してください。

·         Attn: Data Privacy Team

·         Caterpillar Inc.

·         100 NE Adams St.

·         Peoria, IL 61629



·         Human Resources, 100 N.E. Adams Street, Peoria, IL 61629, USA

·         [email protected]


第11条  本データ保護方針が変更された場合




第1条  本付属書の目的


第2条  Caterpillarが収集および処理することが可能な極秘個人情報



·         背景情報(結婚歴、扶養情報、民族および/または国籍、与信調査および犯罪歴確認、薬物およびアルコール検査など)

·         生体認証情報(指紋など)

第3条  Caterpillarが個人情報を使用する理由






表1. 処理のカテゴリ、目的、法的根拠:非人事データ






·         連絡先情報(氏名、住所、電話番号、会社名など)

·         請求情報(金融勘定データ、請求書受領者、居住地情報)

·         クライアント関係管理情報

·         電子ID情報(Eメールなど)、システムの利用および好み

·         連絡の迅速化

·         取引関係または契約の評価および締結(潜在的な取引に関して実施される可能性のある入札の準備(応札)およびその他の要求を含みます)

·         金融取引および管理の迅速化、監査

·         コンプライアンス義務の遵守(マネーロンダリング防止、制裁者リストの照会)

·         当社のITシステムの管理およびサービスの提供

·         契約の履行

·         法的要件の遵守

·         正当な利益(関係管理)


·         連絡先情報(氏名、住所、電話番号、会社名など)

·         請求情報

·         信用度

·         電子ID情報(Eメールなど)、システムの利用および好み

·         修理および保証情報

·         与信調査および金融デューディリジェンスの実施

·         顧客満足度調査の実施

·         契約の履行

·         正当な利益(顧客経験に関するフィードバックの受領)


·         連絡先情報(氏名、住所、電話番号、会社名など)

·         画像(写真、ビデオ)

·         犯罪その他の不法行為の回避および検出

·         その他のセキュリティおよびリスク管理の目的

·         法的要件の遵守

·         正当な利益(安全性およびセキュリティ)


·         連絡先情報(氏名、住所、電話番号、会社名など)

·         電子ID情報(Eメールなど)および好み

·         当社の活動に関する報告、ニュースレターの送信、報告書の送信、当社製品に関する新情報の共有

·         正当な利益(関連製品またはサービスの情報伝達)

·         同意





第4条  個人情報を処理するCaterpillarの法的根拠


·         法的義務または規制上の義務を遵守するために必要な場合

·         当社(または第三者)の正当な利益のために必要な場合で、あなたの利益と基本的権利が当該利益を上回らない場合

·         契約履行のために必要な場合


·         当社があなたの利益(または他者の利益)を保護するために必要な場合

·         公益または公的な目的に必要な場合

·         あなたの事前の同意を得ている場合(これは、任意の処理に関してのみ使用され、必要なまたは義務付けられた処理のために使用されません)


第5条  Caterpillarで使用される特別なカテゴリの個人情報


·         ユーザの特定または認証、およびアクセス制御を目的とした、生体認証データに関する情報

·         Caterpillarと取引を行う個人を評価および選定するための身元確認情報


第6条  自動処理による意思決定が使用される時期



第7条  Caterpillarは同意を必要とするか



第8条  個人情報を提供しない場合


第9条  Caterpillarが個人情報を収集する目的が変更された場合



第10条 Caterpillarは個人情報を共有するか



第11条  個人情報を処理することができる第三者


·          当社の業務を支援するベンダー、サービスプロバイダーおよびその他のパートナー(技術インフラサービスの提供など)

·          法執行機関またはその他の政府機関

·          子会社、関連会社およびCaterpillarが支配するその他の組織体

·          Caterpillarに代わり個人情報を処理するその他の第三者サービスプロバイダー

·          Caterpillarがその事業の一部を分割する(または分割を検討する)際に取得する側の組織体(または取得に関心を持っている組織体)

第12条  Caterpillarが個人情報をCaterpillar内で共有できる場合


第13条  Caterpillarが個人情報を第三者と共有する理由


·          法的義務または規制上の義務を遵守するため(規制当局もしくは監督当局、警察または管轄権を有する裁判所により開示を求められる場合)

·          あなたとの契約またはあなたのために契約を管理するために必要な場合

·          監査、保険、当社の業務運営に関する助言の要求および請求処理の目的

·          これを行うことで当社が別の正当な利益を有する場合

第14条  CaterpillarがEU外に個人情報を移転する場合


第15条  個人情報を保護するために実施されているセキュリティ措置



第16条  Caterpillarが個人情報を保持する期間


第17条  個人情報の変更をCaterpillarに通知する義務

当社があなたに関して保有する個人データが正確かつ最新のものであることが重要です。当社が処理する個人情報に必要な変更があれば、当社に通知するために、担当のCaterpillarの窓口または[email protected]宛にEメールでご連絡ください。

第18条  自身の個人情報に関する権利


·         自身の個人情報へのアクセス要求(通常「データ主体のアクセス要求」といいます)。これにより、あなたに関して当社が有する個人情報の写しを受領し、当社がこれを適法に処理しているかを確認することができます。

·         当社があなたに関して保有している個人データの訂正要求。これにより、あなたに関して当社が保有する不完全または不正確な個人情報を訂正させることができます。

·         個人情報の削除要求。これにより、個人情報の処理を継続する正当な理由がない場合には、個人情報の消去または削除を当社に求めることができます。あなたはさらに、処理に対して異議を申し立てる権利を行使した場合、個人情報の消去または削除を求める権利を有します(下記参照)。

·         当社が自ら(または第三者)の正当な利益に依拠する場合で、あなたがこの理由で処理されることに異議を唱えなければならない特定の状況がある場合における、個人情報の処理に対する異議申立。あなたは、当社がダイレクトマーケティングの目的で個人情報を処理する場合にも異議を申し立てる権利を有します。

·         個人情報の処理に対する制限の要求。これにより、あなたが個人情報の正確性またはこれを処理する理由を証明することを希望する場合など、あなたに関する個人情報の処理を停止するよう当社に求めることができます。

·         個人情報の他者への移転の要求

·         当社によるあなたの個人情報の処理に関して、適切な監督当局に対する苦情の提出


オンライン: EUの個人の権利要求フォーム

メール: [email protected]

電話: +1 (800) 806-6832または+1 309-494-3282(DATA)



第19条  Caterpillarがあなたに対して必要とする事項


第20条  同意を取り消す権利

あなたが特定の目的で自身の個人情報の収集、処理および移転に同意した可能性のある状況において、あなたは、いつにても、当該特定の処理に関する同意を取り消す権利を有します。同意を取り消すには、[email protected]に宛に問い合わせるか、または処理業務の過程で当社が提供することのある停止オプションを使用してください。当社は、あなたから同意を取り消した旨の通知を受けた後、あなたが当初同意した目的で個人情報を今後処理することはありません。当社は、あなたの個人情報を引き続き処理する別の法的根拠を有しない限り、これを安全に処分します。

第21条  本文書に変更が生じた場合


[付属書1 非人事データ主体EEAの末尾] 



第1条  本付属書の目的


第2条  Caterpillarが収集および処理することが可能な極秘個人情報



·         とりわけ、身体的または精神的健康、身体障害の状況、病欠、家族関係の休暇に関する、健康情報(処方記録、保険金請求、請求に関する給付金支払明細書など)

·         背景情報(結婚歴、扶養情報、民族性および/または国籍、与信調査および犯罪歴確認、薬物およびアルコール検査など)

·         生体認証情報(指紋など)

·         労働組合の加入の有無

第3条  Caterpillarが個人情報を使用する理由




表1. 処理のカテゴリ、目的、法的根拠:人事データ





·         従業員との連絡

·         給付の迅速化

·         業務記録の説明責任の維持

·         契約の履行

·         正当な利益(労働力の管理および連絡)


·         コンプライアンス義務の遵守

·         Caterpillarの施設またはシステムへの物理的アクセスまたは遠隔アクセスの許可

·         従業員との連絡

·         給付の迅速化

·         契約の履行

·         法的義務の遵守

·         正当な利益(労働力の管理および連絡)


·         従業員との連絡

·         給与および給付の迅速化

·         契約の履行

·         法的義務の遵守

·         正当な利益(労働力の管理および連絡)


·         Caterpillarの施設(駐車場など)への立ち入りの迅速化

·         社用車の管理

·         契約の履行

·         正当な利益(Caterpillarの施設および設備への立入および管理の迅速化)


·         Caterpillarにおける職務の候補者の評価および選別

·         正当な利益(労働力の管理)


·         管理目的

·         問い合わせ/紛争の場合、および照会状の提供のための証拠として必要な検証目的

·         従業員の定着率および離職率を審査し、より深く理解するための分析研究の実施

·         教育、研修および能力開発の管理

·         契約の履行

·         法的義務の遵守

·         正当な利益(労働力の管理)


·         決定を支援するための業績の監視および評価(昇給、インセンティブおよび昇進など)

·         正当な利益(労働力の管理)


·         施設での安全衛生の管理

·         法的義務の遵守

·         重大利益の保護

·         正当な利益(安全性の維持)


·         犯罪その他の不法行為の回避および検出

·         その他のセキュリティおよびリスク管理の目的

·         法的義務の遵守

·         重大利益の保護

·         正当な利益(労働力およびセキュリティの管理)


·         業務実施のため

·         契約の履行

·         正当な利益(業務過程およびシステムの管理)


第4条  個人情報を処理するCaterpillarの法的根拠


·         当社があなたと締結した契約の履行のために必要な場合

·         法的義務または規制上の義務を遵守するために必要な場合

·         当社(または第三者)の正当な利益のために必要な場合で、あなたの利益と基本的権利が当該利益を上回らない場合


·         当社があなたの利益(または他者の利益)を保護するために必要な場合

·         公益または公的な目的に必要な場合

·         あなたの事前の同意を得ている場合(これは、任意の処理に関してのみ使用され、必要なまたは義務付けられた処理のために使用されません)


第5条  Caterpillarで使用される特別なカテゴリの個人情報


·         病欠または家族関係の休暇を含みうる欠勤に関する情報(雇用法その他の法を遵守するため)

·         身体的健康、精神的健康または身体障害の状況に関する情報(職場での安全衛生を徹底させるため、ならびにあなたの職務への適切性を評価し、適切な職場の調整を行い、病欠を監視および管理し、給付を管理するため)

·         労働組合の加入の有無に関する情報(回避の徴収の迅速化、連絡先リストの維持、その他の業務関連の活動の実施のため)

·         民族性および/または国籍に関する情報(雇用法その他の法を遵守するため)

·         ユーザの特定または認証、およびアクセス制御を目的とした、生体認証データに関する情報

·         雇用関係の身元確認に関する情報(Caterpillar内の職務の候補者の評価および選定のため)


·         限られた状況において、当社があなたの書面による明示的な同意を得ているため。

·         当社は、雇用法および社会保障法の分野において、また当社のグローバルデータ保護方針に従い、義務を履行するか、特定の権利を行使する必要があります。

·         雇用機会均等に関する監視に関する場合など、公益のために必要な場合で、当社のグローバルデータ保護方針に従っている場合

·         適切な秘密保持対策に従い、健康上の理由で勤務能力を評価するために必要な場合


第6条  自動処理による意思決定が使用される時期



第7条  Caterpillarは同意を必要とするか



第8条  個人情報を提供しない場合


第9条  Caterpillarが個人情報を収集する目的が変更された場合



第10条  Caterpillarは個人情報を共有するか



第11条  個人情報を処理することができる第三者


·         当社の業務を支援するベンダー、サービスプロバイダーおよびその他のパートナー(技術インフラサービスの提供など)

·         法執行機関またはその他の政府機関

·         子会社、関連会社およびCaterpillarが支配するその他の組織体

·         Caterpillarに代わり個人情報を処理するその他の第三者サービスプロバイダー

·         Caterpillarがその事業の一部を分割する(または分割を検討する)際に取得する側の組織体(または取得に関心を持っている組織体)

第12条  Caterpillarが個人情報をCaterpillar内で共有できる場合


·         給与

·         給付金の提供および管理(年金を含みます)

·         労働衛生、またはあなたの職務への適切性および安全衛生に関する医師の評価(勤務場所の評価など)

·         保険金請求および通知

·         採用時の評価、研修および専門能力開発の提供および管理

·         サブスクリプションおよび会員資格などライブラリおよび研究サービス

·         建物のセキュリティアクセスおよび保守

·         旅行業者

·         通信およびメッセージサービス(事業継続緊急通知システムなど)

·         ハードコピーの保存

·         ITサービス

第13条  Caterpillarが個人情報を第三者と共有する理由


·         法的義務または規制上の義務を遵守するため(規制当局もしくは監督当局、警察または管轄権を有する裁判所により開示を求められる場合)

·         あなたとの契約またはあなたのための契約、勤務関係および関連する給付を管理するために必要な場合

·         監査、保険、当社の業務運営に関する助言の要求および請求処理の目的

·         これを行うことで当社が別の正当な利益を有する場合

第14条  CaterpillarがEU外に個人情報を移転する場合


第15条  個人情報を保護するために実施されているセキュリティ措置



第16条  Caterpillarが個人情報を保持する期間



第17条  個人情報の変更をCaterpillarに通知する義務


第18条  自身の個人情報に関する権利


·         自身の個人情報へのアクセス要求(通常「データ主体のアクセス要求」といいます)。これにより、あなたに関して当社が有する個人情報の写しを受領し、当社がこれを適法に処理しているかを確認することができます。

·         当社があなたに関して保有している個人データの訂正要求。これにより、あなたに関して当社が保有する不完全または不正確な個人情報を訂正させることができます。

·         個人情報の削除要求。これにより、個人情報の処理を継続する正当な理由がない場合には、個人情報の消去または削除を当社に求めることができます。あなたはさらに、処理に対して異議を申し立てる権利を行使した場合、個人情報の消去または削除を求める権利を有します(下記参照)。

·         当社が自ら(または第三者)の正当な利益に依拠する場合で、あなたがこの理由で処理されることに異議を唱えなければならない特定の状況がある場合における、個人情報の処理に対する異議申立。あなたは、当社がダイレクトマーケティングの目的で個人情報を処理する場合にも異議を申し立てる権利を有します。

·         個人情報の処理に対する制限の要求。これにより、あなたが個人情報の正確性またはこれを処理する理由を証明することを希望する場合など、あなたに関する個人情報の処理を停止するよう当社に求めることができます。

·         個人情報の他者への移転の要求

·         当社によるあなたの個人情報の処理に関して、適切な監督当局に対する苦情の提出


オンライン: EUの個人の権利要求フォーム

メール: [email protected]

電話: +1 (800) 806-6832または+1 309-494-3282(DATA)



第19条  Caterpillarがあなたに対して必要とする事項


第20条  同意を取り消す権利


第21条  本文書に変更が生じた場合


[付属書2 人事データ主体 EEA末尾]

更新日: 2019年7月1日


セクション1. 個人情報の保管


セクション2. 個人情報の越境移転


セクション3. Caterpillarまたはオーストラリア情報委員会への問い合わせ

Caterpillarの個人情報処理について質問がある場合は、最寄りのCaterpillar窓口、Caterpillarのデータプライバシーオフィス([email protected])またはCaterpillarの業務管理部(グローバルデータプライバシー保護方針の第10条に記載)までお問い合わせください。個人情報がグローバルデータプライバシー保護方針と一貫しない方法で取り扱われており、最寄りのCaterpillar窓口、プライバシーオフィスまたはCaterpillarの業務管理部からの回答にご満足いただけない場合は、オーストラリア情報委員会にお問い合わせいただくことができます。

発効日: 2020年1月1日(最終更新日: 2020年5月1日)

Caterpillar社のグローバルデータプライバシー保護方針に添付される本付属書では、Caterpillarがカリフォルニア州の消費者(カリフォルニア州消費者プライバシー法(「CCPA」)で定義)についての個人情報を収集、保存、使用、移転、その他処理する方法について追加情報を定めています。CCPAは、告知義務および個人に付与された権利を含め、人的資源(従業員など)の文脈では個人に対して異なる方法で適用されます。また、企業間の活動に携わる消費者に対する例外も含まれています。人的資源の文脈に関する詳細については、本付属書4の第1条 – 人的資源をご覧ください。それ以外の消費者の詳細については(CCPAで免除される企業間の活動を除く)、本付属書4の第2条 – 非人的資源消費者をご覧ください。Caterpillarの個人情報に関する一般的な慣行の詳細については、Caterpillar社のグローバルデータプライバシー保護方針の本文をご確認ください。

第1条 – 人的資源

セクション1. 付属書4の本条項の目的


セクション2. 業務上の目的での個人情報の収集および使用

























セクション3. 個人情報を使用するその他の目的


·         やり取り、取引および記録を監査するため

·         会社の方針および手順の遵守を監視するため

·         セキュリティインシデントを検出することで、悪意のある行為や虚偽、詐欺的または違法な行為を防ぎ、その行為に責任を負う者を起訴するため

·         法的義務を遵守し、法執行機関またはその他の政府機関に情報を開示するため((i)法律によって必要とされる場合、(ii)Caterpillar、個人または財産を保護する場合、(iii)政府補助金の申請など当社の事業をサポートする場合、(iv)当人から許可された場合)

·         その他、当人からの指示または同意に従って情報を開示するため

セクション4. 追加情報についての問い合わせ先

Caterpillarのデータプライバシーチームに、メール([email protected])または郵便で問い合わせることができます。

Attn: Data Privacy

Caterpillar Inc.

100 N.E. Adams Street

Peoria, IL 61629


第2条 – 非人的資源消費者

セクション1. 付属書4の本条項の目的



セクション2. Caterpillarが収集、処理、開示できる個人情報のカテゴリとその目的






·      個人から直接

·      第三者(Caterpillar製品を購入するためにやり取りした企業、テクノロジプラットフォームなど)


·      お客様の特定、当社とお客様との関係(お客様との連絡を含む)の管理、Caterpillarの施設やシステムへのアクセスの実現、お客様への製品/サービスおよび関連情報の提供、コンプライアンス義務の遵守、安全の管理

·      消費者との現在のやり取りおよび同時取引に関連した監査

·      セキュリティインシデントの検出による、悪意のある行為や虚偽、詐欺的または違法な行為の防止およびその行為に責任を負う者の起訴

·      サービスの実施(アカウントの維持やサービス提供を含む)、顧客サービスの提供、注文や取引の処理または実施、顧客情報の確認、支払いの処理、融資の提供、広告またはマーケティングサービスの提供、分析サービスの提供、類似サービスの提供

·      技術開発と実証のための社内研究の実施

·      企業によって所有、製造、委託製造、管理されているサービスや機器の品質や安全性を確認または維持するため、および企業によって所有、製造、委託製造、管理されているサービスや機器の改善、アップグレードまたは強化を行うための活動の実施

·      既存の目的の機能を損なうエラーを特定し、修理するためのデバッグ

·      技術インフラストラクチャサービスの提供など、当社のビジネスをサポートするベンダー、サービスプロバイダ、その他のパートナー

·      Caterpillarによって管理される子会社、関連会社およびその他の組織

·      Caterpillarに代わって個人情報を処理するその他の第三者のサービスプロバイダ







·         法執行機関またはその他の政府機関に情報を開示するため((i)法律によって必要とされる場合、(ii)Caterpillar、個人または財産を保護する場合、(iii)政府補助金の申請など当社の事業をサポートする場合、(iv)当人から許可された場合)

·         その他、当人からの指示に従って情報を開示するため


セクション3. Caterpillarによる個人情報の販売の有無


セクション4. CCPAに基づいて付与される権利


·         個人情報およびデータポータビリティについて知ること/アクセスすることを要求する権利 - Caterpillarによる自身の個人情報の収集に関する情報または自身の個人情報にアクセスすることを要求する権利。


·         削除権 – 自身の個人情報を削除することを要求する権利。


·         個人情報の販売をオプトアウトする権利 – 自身の個人情報を販売しない(または販売を停止する)ように企業に指示する権利。


·         非差別の権利 – CCPAに基づく権利を行使することで差別されない権利。


o    物品またはサービスを拒否する

o    割引またはその他の特典を付与することや罰則を課すことによるものを含め、物品またはサービスについて異なる価格または料率を課す

o    異なるレベルまたは品質の物品またはサービスを提供する

o    異なる価格や料率、または異なるレベルや品質の物品またはサービスを提供する可能性があることを示唆する


セクション5. CCPAに基づく権利を行使する方法


オンライン: CCPAの権利要求受け取りフォーム

メール:  [email protected]

電話:  +1 (800) 806-6832または+1 309-494-3282(DATA)



セクション6. 追加情報についての問い合わせ先

Caterpillarのデータプライバシーチームに、メール([email protected])または郵便で問い合わせることができます。

Attn: Data Privacy

Caterpillar Inc.

100 N.E. Adams Street

Peoria, IL 61629


[付属書4. カリフォルニア州消費者プライバシー法の末尾]

This Appendix to the Caterpillar Global Data Privacy Statement provides additional information about how Caterpillar collects, stores, uses, transfers, and otherwise processes personal information (including sensitive personal data) in or from Brazil. This Appendix is applicable to individuals who do not have an employee / human resources relationship with Caterpillar. For more information, please see Caterpillar’s Global Data Privacy Statement. For more information on how Caterpillar collects and processes non-personal information, please see Caterpillar’s Global Data Governance Statement.

If you were referred to this Brazil Appendix from an agreement you have with Caterpillar, then the data controller for the personal information that is being processed in connection with that agreement will be the legal entity referred to in that agreement. For the purpose of this Brazil Appendix, the relevant controllers are listed in the Schedule A - List of Caterpillar Data Controllers / Legal Entities of the Caterpillar’s Global Privacy Statement.

Section 1. What is the purpose of this appendix?

Caterpillar is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. This Brazil Appendix describes how we collect, store, use, and transfer personal information about you during and after your relationship with us, in accordance with the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (Law No. 13,709/18 - “LGPD”). As Data Controller, we are required under data protection legislation to notify you of the information contained in this Brazil Appendix.

Section 2. What sensitive personal data could Caterpillar collect and process?

Sensitive personal data requires a higher level of protection. This is personal information which reveals or contains: racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious and philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, health data, sex life or sexual orientation.

We may collect, store, and use the following, which may include or be considered sensitive personal data (as defined above):

·         Background Information, if and when permitted by applicable laws (e.g., ethnicity and drug and alcohol testing); and

·         Biometric Information (e.g., thumbprints).

Section 3. Why does Caterpillar use your personal information?

We need all the categories of information collected primarily to allow us to manage our relationship with you in order to operate our business and to enable us to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations. In some cases, we may use your personal information to pursue legitimate interests of our own or those of third parties, provided your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests.

The reasons for which we, or a contracted third party, will process your personal information are listed in Table 1 below.

Some of those purposes for processing will overlap and there may be several purposes which justify our use of your personal information.



Table 1. Categories, Purpose, and Legal Bases of Processing: Non-Human Resources Data

Data Subjects

Categories of Personal Data

Purposes of Processing

Legal Basis for Processing

Customers and Suppliers

·         Contact Information (e.g., name, address, telephone number, company name)

·         Billing information (financial accounts data, invoices receipt, residence information)

·         Client relationship Management Information

·         Electronic identification information (e.g., email), system usage and preferences

·         Facilitate communications

·         Evaluation and potentially entering into a business relationship or contract, including potentially preparing bids (responses to bids) and other requests that relate to the potential business

·         To facilitate financial transactions and management; Audit

·         Fulfilling our compliance obligations (e.g., anti-money laundering, screening against sanctions lists)

·         Management of our IT systems and to provide services

·         Performance of a contract

·         Comply with legal requirements 

·         Legitimate interest (to manage the relationship)


·         Contact Information (e.g., name, address, telephone number, company name)

·         Billing information

·         Credit worthiness

·         Electronic identification information (e.g., email), system usage and preferences

·         Repair and Warranty Information 

·         Conducting credit reference checks and financial due diligence

·         Performing customer satisfaction survey

·         Performance of a contract

·         Legitimate interest (to receive feedback on customers experiences)

·         Protection of credit

Visitors to facilities

·         Contact Information (e.g., name, address, telephone number, company name)

·         Image (photograph, video)

·         Vehicle Information (e.g., make, model, license plate)

·         Identification Information (e.g., government documents/identifiers)

·         Prevention and detection of crime or other misconduct

·         Other security and risk management purposes

·         Comply with legal requirements

·         Legitimate interest (safety and security)

Subscribers to our newsletters or other marketing activities

·         Contact Information (e.g., name, address, telephone number, company name)

·         Electronic identification information (e.g., email) and preferences

·         To inform you about our activities, sending you our newsletter, sending you our reports, share exciting new information about our products

·         Legitimate interest (communicating about related products or services)

·         Consent


Section 4. What are Caterpillar’s lawful bases for processing your personal information?

We will only use your personal information when the law allows us to. Most commonly, we will rely on one or more of the following bases for processing your personal information:

·         Where it is necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation.

·         Where it is necessary for our legitimate interests (or those of a third party) and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests.

·         Where it is necessary for the performance of a contract.

We may also use your personal information in the following situations, which are likely to be rare:

·         Where we need to protect your life or physical integrity (or someone else’s life or physical integrity).

·         Where we need it for credit protection.

·         Where it is necessary for the exercise of our rights in lawsuits, administrative proceedings, or arbitration.

·         Where we have obtained your prior consent (this is only used in relation to voluntary processing and is not used for processing that is necessary or obligatory).

·         For the protection of credit, including as provided for in relevant legislation.

The legal grounds we rely on to process your personal information are listed in Table 1.

Section 5. What are sensitive personal data used for at Caterpillar?

We will use your sensitive personal data for the following purposes:

·         Information related to biometric data, to identify or authenticate users and for access control purposes.

We may process sensitive personal data (as defined above) because we have a lawful basis for doing so (including, without limitation, for compliance with a legal obligation, or to protect the security of the data subject, as set out above) and because in limited circumstances, we have your explicit written consent. Less commonly, we may process this type of information where it is needed in relation to legal claims or exercise of our rights, or where it is needed to protect your life or physical integrity (or someone else’s life or physical integrity).

Section 6. When is automated decision making used?

Caterpillar does not regularly and systematically perform automated decision making producing a legal effect concerning individuals or that would have a similarly significant effect. In the event that you are interacting with a Caterpillar company that is performing such automated decision making you should receive a specific notice that outlines the details of the automated decision making.

Under LGPD, you have the right to request the review decisions taken solely on the basis of automated processing of personal data that affects your interests.

Section 7. Does Caterpillar need your consent?

In limited circumstances, we may approach you for your written consent to allow us to process certain particularly sensitive personal data. If we do so, we will provide you with details of the information that we would like and the reason we need it, so that you can carefully consider whether you wish to consent. We also rely on consent in other situations as identified in Table 1.

You should be aware that it is not a condition of your contract with us that you agree to any request for consent from us. If you give us your consent, you will be able to withdraw your consent at any time.

Section 8. What if you fail to provide your personal information?

If you fail to provide certain information when requested, we may not be able to perform the contract we have entered into with you (such as paying you or providing you with a product), or we may be prevented from complying with our legal or regulatory obligations.

Section 9. What if the purpose for which Caterpillar collected the personal information changes?

We will only use your personal information for the purposes for which we collected it, unless we reasonably consider that we need to use it for another reason and that reason is compatible with the original purpose. If we need to use your personal information for an unrelated purpose, we will notify you and we will explain the legal basis which allows us to do so.

Please note that we may process your personal information without your knowledge or consent, in compliance with the above rules, where this is required or permitted by law.

Section 10. Will Caterpillar share your personal information?

We may have to share your data with Third Parties (as defined below), including third-party service providers and Caterpillar.

We may transfer your personal information outside Brazil. If we do, you can expect a similar degree of protection with respect to your personal information.

Section 11. Which Third Parties may process your personal information?

“Third Parties” includes third party service providers (including contractors, designated agents, insurers and insurance brokers) and other entities of Caterpillar. Examples include:

·         Vendors, service providers, and other partners who support our business, such as providing technical infrastructure services;

·         Law enforcement or other government agencies;

·         Subsidiaries, affiliates, and other entities controlled by Caterpillar;

·         Other third-party service providers that process personal information on behalf of Caterpillar; and

·         An acquiring entity (or an entity that is interested in acquiring) in the event that Caterpillar divests (or is considering divesting) a portion of its business.

Section 12. When might Caterpillar share your personal information within Caterpillar?

We will share your personal information within Caterpillar as part of our regular business and reporting activities, in the context of a business reorganization or group restructuring exercise, for system maintenance support, for hosting of data and for other legitimate business reasons.

Section 13. Why might Caterpillar share your personal information with Third Parties?

We will share your personal information with Third Parties for the following reasons:

·         In order to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation, where such disclosure is required by a regulatory or supervisory authority, the police or a court of competent jurisdiction;

·         Where it is necessary to administer the contract with or for you;

·         For the purposes of auditing, insuring and in the course of seeking advice with regards to our business operations and claims handling; and

·         Where we have another legitimate interest in doing so.

Section 14. When would Caterpillar transfer personal information outside of Brazil?

The personal information that we collect about you may be transferred to, and stored at, one or more countries outside Brazil. It may also be processed by staff operating outside Brazil who work for Caterpillar or for our third-party service providers. In such cases, we will take appropriate steps to ensure an adequate level of data protection of the recipient as required under LGPD and as described in this document. If we cannot ensure such an adequate level of data protection, your personal data will only be transferred outside Brazil if you have given your prior consent to the transfer.

Section 15. What security measures are in place to protect personal information?

We have put in place appropriate security measures to protect the security of your personal information and provide the appropriate level of security for the risk, including measures designed to prevent your personal information from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorized way, altered, or disclosed. Details of those measures are available on request. In addition, we limit access to your personal information to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a business need to know.

We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected data security breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a suspected breach where we are legally required to do so.

Section 16. How long will Caterpillar retain personal information?

We will only retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, regulatory, accounting, or reporting requirements. Details of retention periods for different aspects of your personal information are available in our data retention policy. To determine the appropriate retention period for personal information, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal information, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal information, the purposes for which we process your personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements.

Section 17. What is your duty to inform Caterpillar of changes to your personal information?

It is important that the personal information we hold about you is accurate and current. Please contact your Caterpillar contact or email [email protected] for informing us of any necessary changes to your personal information that we possess.

Section 18. What are your rights related to your personal information?

Under certain circumstances, by law you have the right to:

·         Confirm the existence of processing;

·         Request access to your personal information (commonly known as a “data subject access request”), by means of a summary report or a detailed report. Under certain limited circumstances, you may be entitled to receive a copy of the personal information we hold about you.

·         Request correction of incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated personal information we hold about you.

·         Request the anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary or excessive personal information about you, or personal information about you we process in noncompliance with the provisions of LGPD.

·         Request the portability of the personal information we hold about you to another service or product provider, under specific circumstances.

·         Request the deletion of your personal information that was processed based on your consent.

·         Obtain information about public and private entities with which we have shared your personal information.

·         Obtain information about the possibility of denying consent and the consequences of such denial, whenever we ask for your consent to process your personal information.

·         Oppose to any data processing activity for which your consent was not required, if there is a breach of LGPD.

·         Revoke your consent, whenever our processing of your personal information was based on your consent.

·         Lodge a complaint with the applicable supervisory authority with regard to our processing of your personal information.

If you want to exercise your right(s) as reflected above, you may do so by using one of the following methods:

Online: Brazil Individual Rights Request Form

Email:  [email protected]

If submitting by email; please be sure to include what right(s) you are seeking to invoke and provide what data or information your request is concerning so that your request can be properly and timely addressed. 

You will not have to pay a fee to access your personal information (or to exercise any of the other rights). However, we may refuse to comply with the request if your request for access is clearly unfounded or excessive.

You may also contact the applicable Data Protection Officer. To identify the Data Protection Officer for the applicable Caterpillar company, please see Schedule A - List of Caterpillar Data Controllers / Legal Entities.

Section 19. What might Caterpillar need from you?

We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access the personal information (or to exercise any of your other rights). This is another appropriate security measure to ensure that personal information is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it.

Section 20. What is your right to withdraw consent?

In the circumstances where you may have provided your consent to the collection, processing and transfer of your personal information for a specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw your consent for that specific processing at any time. To withdraw your consent, please contact [email protected] or use any unsubscribe options we may provide you in the context of our processing activities. Once we have received notification that you have withdrawn your consent, we will no longer process your personal information for the purpose or purposes you originally agreed to, and unless we have another lawful basis for continuing to process your personal information, we will dispose of it securely.

Section 21. What if there are changes to this document?

We reserve the right to update this Global Privacy Statement and this appendix at any time, and we will provide you with updated documents when we make any substantial updates. We may also notify you in other ways from time to time about the processing of your personal information.


[END Appendix 5. Brazil - Non-Human Resources Data Subjects] 

This Appendix to the Caterpillar Global Data Privacy Statement provides additional information about how Caterpillar collects, stores, uses, transfers, and otherwise processes personal information (including sensitive personal data) in or from Brazil. This Appendix is applicable to individuals who have an employee / human resources relationship with Caterpillar. For more information, please see Caterpillar’s Global Privacy Statement.

If you were referred to this Brazil Appendix from an agreement you have with Caterpillar, then the data controller for the personal information that is being processed in connection with that agreement will be the legal entity referred to in that agreement. For the purpose of this Brazil Appendix, the relevant controllers are listed in the Schedule A (List of Caterpillar Data Controllers / Legal Entities) to Caterpillar’s Global Privacy Statement.

Section 1. What is the purpose of this appendix?

Caterpillar is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. This Brazil Appendix describes how we collect, store, use, and transfer personal information about you during and after your relationship with us, in accordance with the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (Law No. 13,709/18 - “LGPD”). As Data Controller, we are required under data protection legislation to notify you of the information contained in this Brazil Appendix.

Section 2. What sensitive personal data could Caterpillar collect and process?

Sensitive personal data (also known as special categories of information) requires a higher level of protection. This is personal information which reveals or contains: racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious and philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, health data, sex life or sexual orientation.

We may collect, store, and use the following, which may include or be considered sensitive personal data (as defined above):

·         Health Information (e.g., prescription records, benefit claims, and the Explanation of Benefits sent in connection with claims) related to, among other things, physical or mental health, disability status, sickness absence, and family related leaves;

·         Background Information, if and when permitted by applicable laws (e.g., marital status, race, ethnicity, and drug and alcohol testing);

·         Biometric Information (e.g., thumbprints); and

·         Trade Union affiliation.

Section 3. Why does Caterpillar use your personal information?

Personal information is vital to our management and administration of employment relationships. We need all the categories of personal information collected primarily to allow us to manage our relationship with you and to enable us to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations. In some cases, we may use your personal information to pursue legitimate interests of our own or those of third parties, provided your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests.

The reasons for which we, or a contracted third party, will process your personal information are listed in Table 1 below.

Some of those purposes for processing will overlap and there may be several purposes which justify our use of your personal information.

Table 1. Categories, Purpose, and Legal Bases of Processing: Human Resources Data

Categories of Personal Data

Purposes of Processing

Legal Basis for Processing

Contact Information (e.g., name, address, telephone number, emergency contact(s) information)

·         Communicate with employees

·         Facilitate benefits

·         Maintain accountability of business records

·         Performance of a contract

·         Legitimate interest (to manage and communicate with the workforce)

Identification and verification information (including national/taxpayer identification numbers and work permit status)

·         Meet compliance and legal obligations

·         Enable physical or remote access to Caterpillar facilities or systems

·         Communicate with employees

·         Facilitate benefits

·         Performance of a contract

·         To comply with a legal obligation

·         Legitimate interest (to manage and communicate with the workforce)

Financial Account Information

·         Communicate with employees

·         Facilitate salary and benefits

·         Performance of a contract

·         To comply with a legal obligation

·         Legitimate interest (to manage and communicate with the workforce)

Automotive Information (e.g., driving history, vehicle registration, driver’s license number)

·         Facilitate access to Caterpillar facilities (e.g., parking)

·         Manage company vehicles

·         Performance of a contract

·         Legitimate interest (to facilitate access and management of Caterpillar facilities and equipment)

Professional/Applicant Qualifications Information (e.g., work experience, education, reference information, background/criminal check)

·         Evaluate and select individuals for a role within Caterpillar

·         Performance of a Contract

·         Legitimate interest (to manage the workforce)

General HR records

·         Management purposes

·         Verification purposes, necessary as evidence in the event of any query/dispute and for the provision of references

·         Conduct analytics studies to review and better understand employee retention and attrition rates

·         Managing education, training and development

·         Performance of a contract

·         To comply with a legal obligation

·         Legitimate interest (to manage the workforce)

Employment-related Information (e.g., work history, performance appraisals, goals, attendance, work absences)

·         Monitoring and evaluation of performance to support decisions (e.g., salary increases, incentives and promotion)

·         Performance of a Contract

·         Legitimate interest (to manage the workforce)

Health & Safety (e.g., safety incidents)

·         Manage health and safety at facilities

·         To comply with a legal obligation

·         To protect the life and physical integrity

·         Legitimate interest (to maintain safety)

Personal data obtained from security, monitoring, or an investigation

·         Prevention and detection of crime or other misconduct

·         Other security and risk management purposes

·         To comply with a legal obligation

·         To protect the life and physical integrity

·         Legitimate interest (to manage the workforce and security)

Personal data processed on our IT systems

·         For the conduct of the business

·         Performance of a contract

·         Legitimate interest (to manage business processes and systems)


Section 4. What are Caterpillar’s lawful bases for processing your personal information?

We will only use your personal information when the law allows us to. Most commonly, we will rely on one or more of the following bases for processing your personal information:

·         Where it is necessary for the performance of a contract we have entered into with you.

·         Where it is necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation.

·         Where it is necessary for our legitimate interests (or those of a third party) and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests.


We may also use your personal information in the following situations, which are likely to be rare:

·         Where we need to protect your life or physical integrity (or someone else’s life or physical integrity).

·         Where it is necessary for the exercise of our rights in lawsuits, administrative proceedings or arbitration

·         Where we have obtained your prior consent (this is only used in relation to voluntary processing and is not used for processing that is necessary or obligatory).

·         For the protection of credit, including as provided for in relevant legislation.

We will rely on legitimate interests as the lawful basis for processing the categories of personal information set out below and, in each case we have identified the legitimate interest upon which we rely. We also identify supplemental bases for processing certain categories of information where warranted in a specific notice that we will provide you.

Section 5. What are sensitive personal data used for at Caterpillar?

We will use your sensitive personal data for the following purposes:

·         Information relating to leaves of absence, which may include sickness absence or family related leaves, to comply with employment and other laws.

·         Information about your physical or mental health, or disability status, to ensure your health and safety in the workplace and to assess your fitness to work, to provide appropriate workplace adjustments, to monitor and manage sickness absence and to administer benefits.

·         Information related to trade union affiliation to facilitate dues collection, maintain contact lists, and perform other business-related activities.

·         Information related to ethnicity and/or nationality, to comply with employment and other laws.

·         Information related to biometric data, to identify or authenticate users and for access control purposes.

We may process sensitive personal data (as defined above) because we have a lawful basis for doing so (as set out above) and because:

·         In limited circumstances, we have your explicit written consent;

·         We need to carry out obligations or exercise specific rights in the field of employment and social security law and in line with our Global Data Privacy Statement;

Less commonly, we may process this type of information where it is needed in relation to legal claims or exercise of our rights, or where it is needed to protect your life or physical integrity (or someone else’s life or physical integrity).

Section 6. When is automated decision making used?

Caterpillar does not regularly and systematically perform automated decision making producing a legal effect concerning individuals or that would have a similarly significant effect. In the event that you are interacting with a Caterpillar company that is performing such automated decision making you should receive a specific notice that outlines the details of the automated decision making.

Under LGPD, you have the right to request the review of automated decision taken solely on the basis of automated processing of personal data that affects your interests.

Section 7. Does Caterpillar need your consent?

In limited circumstances, we may approach you for your written consent to allow us to process certain particularly sensitive personal data. If we do so, we will provide you with details of the information that we would like and the reason we need it, so that you can carefully consider whether you wish to consent.

You should be aware that it is not a condition of your contract with us that you agree to any request for consent from us.

Section 8. What if you fail to provide your personal information?

If you fail to provide certain information when requested, we may not be able to perform the contract we have entered into with you (such as paying you or providing a benefit), or we may be prevented from complying with our legal or regulatory obligations (such as ensuring your health and safety).

Section 9. What if the purpose for which Caterpillar collected the personal information changes?

We will only use your personal information for the purposes for which we collected it, unless we reasonably consider that we need to use it for another reason and that reason is compatible with the original purpose. If we need to use your personal information for an unrelated purpose, we will notify you and we will explain the legal basis which allows us to do so.

Please note that we may process your personal information without your knowledge or consent, in compliance with the above rules, where this is required or permitted by law.

Section 10. Will Caterpillar share your personal information?

We may have to share your data with Third Parties (as defined below), including third-party service providers, other Caterpillar entities, and public government agencies or authorities.

We may transfer your personal information outside Brazil. If we do, you can expect a similar degree of protection with respect to your personal information.

Section 11. Which Third Parties may process your personal information?

“Third Parties” includes third-party service providers (including contractors, designated agents, insurers and insurance brokers) and other entities of Caterpillar. Examples include:

·         Vendors, service providers, and other partners who support our business, such as providing technical infrastructure services;

·         Law enforcement or other government agencies;

·         Subsidiaries, affiliates and other entities controlled by Caterpillar;

·         Other third-party service providers that process personal information on behalf of Caterpillar; and

·         An acquiring entity (or an entity that is interested in acquiring) in the event that Caterpillar divests (or is considering divesting) a portion of its business.

Section 12. When might Caterpillar share your personal information within Caterpillar?

We will share your personal information within Caterpillar as part of our regular business and reporting activities, in the context of a business reorganization or group restructuring exercise, for system maintenance support, for hosting of data and for other legitimate business reasons. Examples include:

·         payroll;

·         benefits provision and administration (including pensions);

·         occupational health or medical assessments regarding your fitness to work and health and safety (e.g. workstation assessments);

·         insurance claims and notifications;

·         provision and administration of recruitment assessments, training and professional development;

·         library and research services such as subscriptions and memberships;

·         building security access and maintenance;

·         travel providers;

·         telecommunications and messaging services such as our business continuity emergency notification system;

·         hard copy archiving; and

·         IT services.

Section 13. Why might Caterpillar share your personal information with Third Parties?

We will share your personal information with Third Parties for the following reasons:

·         In order to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation, where such disclosure is required by a regulatory or supervisory authority, the police or a court of competent jurisdiction;

·         Where it is necessary to administer the contract, working relationship and any associated benefits with or for you;

·         For the purposes of auditing, insuring and in the course of seeking advice with regards to our business operations and claims handling; and

·         Where we have another legitimate interest in doing so.

Section 14. When would Caterpillar transfer personal information outside of Brazil?

The personal information that we collect about you may be transferred to, and stored at, one or more countries outside Brazil. It may also be processed by staff operating outside Brazil who work for Caterpillar or for our third-party service providers. In such cases, we will take appropriate steps to ensure an adequate level of data protection of the recipient as required under LGPD and as described in this document. If we cannot ensure such an adequate level of data protection, your personal data will only be transferred outside Brazil if you have given your prior consent to the transfer.

Section 15. What security measures are in place to protect personal information?

We have put in place appropriate security measures to protect the security of your personal information and provide the appropriate level of security for the risk, including measures designed to prevent your personal information from being accidentally lost, used, or accessed in an unauthorized way, altered, or disclosed. Details of those measures are available on request. In addition, we limit access to your personal information to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a business need to know.

We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected data security breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a suspected breach where we are legally required to do so.

Section 16. How long will Caterpillar retain personal information?

We will only retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, regulatory, accounting, or reporting requirements. Details of retention periods for different aspects of your personal information are available in our data retention policy which is available from the HR department. To determine the appropriate retention period for personal information, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal information, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal information, the purposes for which we process your personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements.

Once you are no longer an employee, worker, or contractor of Caterpillar, we will retain and securely destroy your personal information in accordance with our data retention policy.

Section 17. What is your duty to inform Caterpillar of changes to your personal information?

It is important that the personal information we hold about you is accurate and current. In many cases, you have self-service access to your data (e.g., internal HR systems). Please keep your information up-to-date, or contact your Human Resources representative for the proper procedure for informing us of any necessary changes to your personal information that we possess.

Section 18. What are your rights related to your personal information?

Under certain circumstances, by law you have the right to:

·         Confirm the existence of processing;

·         Request access to your personal information (commonly known as a “data subject access request”), by means of a summary report or a detailed report. Under certain limited circumstances, you may be entitled to receive a copy of the personal information we hold about you.

·         Request correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated personal information we hold about you.

·         Request the anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary or excessive personal information about you, or personal information about you we process in noncompliance with the provisions of LGPD.

·         Request the portability of the personal information we hold about you to another service or product provider, under specific circumstances.

·         Obtain information about public and private entities with which we have shared your personal information.

·         Oppose to any data processing activity for which your consent was not required if there is a breach of LGPD.

·         Request the deletion of your personal information that was processed based on your consent.

·         Obtain information about the possibility of denying consent and the consequences of such denial, whenever we ask for your consent to process your personal information.

·         Revoke your consent, whenever our processing of your personal information was based on your consent.

·         Lodge a complaint with the applicable supervisory authority with regard to our processing of your personal information.

If you want to exercise your right(s) as reflected above, you may do so by using one of the following methods:

Online: Brazil Individual Rights Request Form

Email:  [email protected]

If submitting by email; please be sure to include what right(s) you are seeking to invoke and provide what data or information your request is concerning so that your request can be properly and timely addressed. 

You will not have to pay a fee to access your personal information (or to exercise any of the other rights). However, we may refuse to comply with the request if your request for access is clearly unfounded or excessive.

You may also contact the applicable Data Protection Officer. To identify the Data Protection Officer for the applicable Caterpillar company, please see Schedule A (List of Caterpillar Data Controllers / Legal Entities).

Section 19. What might Caterpillar need from you?

We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access the personal information (or to exercise any of your other rights). This is another appropriate security measure to ensure that personal information is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it.

Section 20. What is your right to withdraw consent?

In the limited circumstances where you may have provided your consent to the collection, processing, and transfer of your personal information for a specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw your consent for that specific processing at any time. To withdraw your consent, please contact your local, regional, or corporate Human Resources representative. Once we have received notification that you have withdrawn your consent, we will no longer process your personal information for the purpose or purposes you originally agreed to, and unless we have another lawful basis for continuing to process your personal information, we will dispose of it securely.

Section 21. What if there are changes to this document?

We reserve the right to update this Global Privacy Statement and this appendix at any time, and we will provide you with updated documents when we make any substantial updates. We may also notify you in other ways from time to time about the processing of your personal information.


[END Appendix 6. Brazil - Human Resources Data Subjects]



(unless otherwise noted, see Section 10)
Anchor Coupling Inc. 5520 13th Street, Menominee, Michigan, 49858-1014, United States United States  
Asia Power Systems (Tianjin) Ltd. No 2 Xier Road, Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone, Tianjin  300456, Peoples Republic of China China  
AsiaTrak (Tianjin) Ltd. 169, HaiBin Jiu Road, Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone, Tianjin  300456, Peoples Republic of China China  
Banco Caterpillar S.A. Av. Dr. Chucri Zaidan, 1240, Golden Tower Building - 17th. Walking - Chácara Santo Antônio, São Paulo - SP, 04709-111, Brazil. Brazil Fabiana Marcondes  (DPO)
Bucyrus International (Chile) Limitada Av. El Bosque Norte #0177, Oficina 802, P.O. Box 7550100, Las Condes Santiago 6650115, Chile Chile  
Bucyrus International (Peru) S.A. Av. Santa Cruz 830, of. 502, Miraflores  18, Peru Peru  
Caterpillar (Africa) (Proprietary) Limited Anvil Road, PO Box 197, Isando  1600, South Africa South Africa Aneshree Govender (IO)
Gerrit Bouma (DIO)
Caterpillar (China) Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. 1701 Caterpillar Tower, 8 Wangjing Street, Beijing Chaoyang District 100102 (Peoples Republic of China) China  
Caterpillar (China) Investment Co., Ltd. Rm. 1601 Caterpillar Tower, No. 8 Wangjing Street, Beijing  100102, Peoples Republic of China China  
Caterpillar (China) Machinery Components Co., Ltd. No. 16 Xinrong Road, Wuxi National High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Wuxi, Jiangsu  2140128, Peoples Republic of China China  
Caterpillar (Langfang) Mining Equipment Co., Ltd. No. 22 Jinyuandongdao, Economic Development Zone Langfang Hebei Province, Peoples Republic of China China  
Caterpillar (Newberry) 284 Mawsons Way, Newberry, South Carolina 29108, United States United States  
Caterpillar (NI) Limited Old Glenarm Road, Co Antrim, Larne  BT40 1EJ, Northern Ireland Northern Ireland  
Caterpillar (Qingzhou) Ltd. No. 12999 Nanhuan, Qingzhou, Shandong Province 262500, Peoples Republic of China China  
Caterpillar (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd. A1225, 12th Floor, No 188, Yesheng Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai  201308, Peoples Republic of China China  
Caterpillar (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. No. 58 Qi Ming Road Export Processing Zone B, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou Jiangsu 215121, Peoples Republic of China China  
Caterpillar (Suzhou) Logistics Co., Ltd. Warehouse No. C22, Suzhou GLP Park, No. 152 Qian Ren Street, Wei Ting Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, angsu Province 21512, Peoples Republic of China China  
Caterpillar (Thailand) Limited 1760 Sukhumvit 52-54, Bangchak Sub-District, Prakanong District, Bangkok Metropolis  10260, Thailand Thailand  
Caterpillar (U.K.) Limited Peckleton Lane, Desford Leicester LE9 9JT, England & Wales United Kingdom  
Caterpillar (Wujiang) Ltd. South District of Jinshanqiao Development Zone, Xuzhou Jiangsu 221004, Peoples Republic of China China  
Caterpillar (Xuzhou) Ltd. South District of Jinshanqiao Development Zone, Xuzhou Jiangsu 221004, Peoples Republic of China China  
Caterpillar (Zhengzhou) Ltd. Dongzhuang Village, Guangwu Town, Xingyang City, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, Peoples Republic of China China  
Caterpillar Asia Pte. Ltd. 7 Tractor Road, Singapore  627968, Singapore Singapore Zhiquin Wu (DPO)
Caterpillar Brasil Comercio de Maquinas e Pecas Ltda. Rodovia Luiz de Queiroz, no number, Buildings AS, Room B, and L1, Column B04, Unileste District, Piracicaba Sao Paulo 13420-900, Brazil Brazil Roberta Papetti (DPO)
Caterpillar Brasil Ltda. Rodovia Luiz de Queiróz , km 157, s/n, Distrito Unileste, Piracicaba Sao Paulo 13420-900, Brazil Brazil Roberta Papetti (DPO)
Caterpillar Castings Kiel GmbH Falckensteiner Str. 2, Kiel  24159, Germany Germany Regine Oppelland (DPO)  
Caterpillar Centro de Formacion, S.L. Camino de Caterpillar, 2 Santa Rosalia-Maqueda, Malaga  E 29591, Spain Spain  
Caterpillar Commercial Northern Europe Limited Peckleton Lane, Desford, Desford LE9 9JT, England & Wales United Kingdom  
Caterpillar Commercial S.A.R.L. 84 Rue Charles Michels, Hall C, Saint-Denis 93200, France France  
Caterpillar Commercial Services S.A.R.L. 40 avenue Leon Blum, Grenoble Cedex 9 38100, France France  
Caterpillar Crédito, S.A. de C.V., SOFOM, E.N.R. Corporativo Santa Maria 
Boulevard Diaz Ordaz 130 Pte, Torre 4, Piso 11 Colonia Santa Maria, C.P. 64650
Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Caterpillar Distribution Services Europe B.V.B.A. Humbeeksesteenweg 98, Grimbergen  B-1850, Belgium Belgium  
Caterpillar Energy Solutions Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. 11 Kian Teck Road, Singapore 628768, Singapore Singapore Janice Tan (DPO)
Caterpillar Energy Solutions GmbH Carl-Benz-Str. 1, 68167, Mannheim, Germany Germany Beatrice Brauchler (DPO)  
Caterpillar Energy Solutions Inc. 1750 Breckinridge Parkway, Ste 500, Duluth, Georgia, 30096, United States United States  
Caterpillar Energy Solutions, S.A. Avenida de los Artesanos 50, 28760, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain Spain  
Caterpillar Energy Systems Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. CES (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Room 2-02, CITIC Building Tower A No. 19 Jianguomen Wai Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing   100004, Peoples Republic of China China  
Caterpillar Eurasia LLC 75, Sadovnicheskaya emb.
Moscow 115035 Russia
Russia Olga Kuzmina 
Caterpillar Finance France S.A. 84 Rue Charles Michels, Saint Denis Cedex  93284, France France  
Caterpillar Finance Kabushiki Kaisha

7-1, Minatomirai 3-chome, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken 2200012, Japan

Caterpillar Financial Australia Leasing Pty Ltd 1 Caterpillar Drive, Tullamarine Victoria 3043, Australia Australia  
Caterpillar Financial Australia Limited 1 Caterpillar Drive, Tullamarine Victoria 3043, Australia Australia  
Caterpillar Financial Commercial Account Corporation 2120 West End Avenue, Nashville Tennessee 37203-0001 United States  
Caterpillar Financial Corporacion Financiera, S.A., E.F.C. Via de las dos Castillas No 33, 4th Floor, Edificio Atica 6, 28224 Pozuelo de Alarcon, Madrid  28000, Spain Spain  
Caterpillar Financial Dealer Funding LLC 2120 West End Avenue
Nashville Tennessee 37203
United States
United States  
Caterpillar Financial Kazakhstan Limited Liability Partnership 69, Tolebi str., Almaty (Kazakhstan) Kazakhstan  
Caterpillar Financial Leasing (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Unit 251, Floor 3, A5 Building, Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, China China  
Caterpillar Financial New Zealand Limited Level 13, 34 Shortland Street, Auckland  1150, New Zealand New Zealand  
Caterpillar Financial Nordic Services AB PO Box 115, Svardvagen 3B, 194 22 Upplands, Vasby 660 57, Sweden Sweden  
Caterpillar Financial OOO Floor 3, Building 75, Sadovnicheskaya naberezhnaya, Moscow 115035 (Russia) Russia  
Caterpillar Financial Renting S.A. Vía de las Dos Castillas, No. 33, Edificio Ática 6, Planta 4a, 28224 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid), Spain Spain  
Caterpillar Financial SARL Muehlebachstrasse 43, CH-8008, Zurich  8008 Switzerland Switzerland  
Caterpillar Financial Services (Dubai) Limited Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), The Gate Village, Building 5, Level 2 PO Box 506590, Dubai, United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates  
Caterpillar Financial Services (Ireland) p.I.c. Riverside One, Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland Ireland  
Caterpillar Financial Services (UK) Limited Friars Gate, 1011 Stratford Road, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 4BN, England & Wales United Kingdom  
Caterpillar Financial Services Argentina S.A. Butty 275, Piso 11, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires  C1043AAQ, Argentina Argentina  
Caterpillar Financial Services Asia Pte. Ltd. 14 Tractor Road, Singapore  627973, Singapore Singapore Fynn Tay (DPO)
Caterpillar Financial Services Belgium S.P.R.L. Brusselsesteenweg 340, 3090 Overijse, Belgium Belgium  
Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation 2120 West End Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee 37203-0001, United States United States  
Caterpillar Financial Services CR, s.r.o. Lipova 72, Modletice  251 70, Czech Republic Czech Republic  
Caterpillar Financial Services GmbH Lise-Meitner, Str. 3, Ismaning  D-85737, Germany Germany Werner Diessner (DPO)
Caterpillar Financial Services Limited Les Services Financiers Caterpillar Limitee 3457 Superior Court, Unit 2, Oakville Ontario L6L 0C4, Canada Canada  
Caterpillar Financial Services Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. No. 1 Jalan Puchong, Perindustrian Puchong Utama, Sleangor  47100, Malaysia Malaysia  
Caterpillar Financial Services Netherlands B.V. Rondebeltweg 41, Almere  1329 BP, Netherlands Netherlands  
Caterpillar Financial Services Norway AS Cort Adelers gate 16, P.O. Box 1388 Vika, Oslo  0114, Norway Norway  
Caterpillar Financial Services Philippines Inc. #13 Economia Street, 1110 Bagumabayan, Quezon City Metro Manila 1100, Philippines Philippines  
Caterpillar Financial Services Poland Sp. z o.o. 51, Prosta Street, Warsaw  00-838, Poland Poland  
Caterpillar Financial Services South Africa (Pty) Limited 7a Lindsay Street
Wifontein, Kempton Park
Johannesburg 1620 (South Africa)
South Africa Aneshree Govender (IO)
Jarek Myszkowski (IO)
Caterpillar Financial Ukraine LLC 34 Vasilkovskaya, of. 326B, Kiev 03022 Ukraine Ukraine  
Caterpillar Fluid Systems S.r.l. Via Giobetti nr. 2/A Palazzo C, 20063 Cernusco sul Naviglio MI., Italy Italy  
Caterpillar Forest Products Inc. 100 NE Adams Street, Peoria, Illinois 61629, United States United States  
Caterpillar France S.A.S. 40 Avenue Leon-Blum, Boite Postal 55, Grenoble  Cedex 9 F-38041, France France  
Caterpillar FS (QFC) LLC Office 814, 8th Floor
Al Fardan Office Tower
AI Funduq
61, West Bay
Dubai, Doha (United Arab Emirates)
United Arab Emirates  
Caterpillar Global Mining LLC 875 W Cushing Street
Tucson Arizona 85745
(United States)
United States  
Caterpillar Global Mining Europe GmbH Industriestrasse 1, Lünen D-44534, Germany Germany Claudia Panse (DPO)  
Caterpillar Global Mining HMS GmbH Karl-Funke-Strasse 36, Dortmund  44149, Germany Germany Sven Staudinger (DPO)  
Caterpillar Global Mining Equipment LLC 3501 S. FM Hwy 1417
Denison Texas 75020
United States
United States  
Caterpillar Global Mining Mexico LLC 10 Finegan Road, Del Rio, Texas 78840, United States United States  
Caterpillar Holdings Australia Pty. Ltd. Level 20
300 Adelaide Street
Brisbane Queensland 4000 (Australia)
Caterpillar Hungary Components Manufacturing Ltd. 2117 Isaszeg, Hrsz, Isaszeg  0185/3, Hungary Hungary  
Caterpillar Hydraulics Italia S.r.l. Via Andrea Costa, 73/2, Bologna  40134, Italy Italy  
Caterpillar Inc. 100 NE Adams Street, Peoria, Illinois 61629, United States United States  
Caterpillar India Private Limited 7th Floor, International Tech Park, Chennai
Taramani Road, Taramani, Chennai
Chennai Tamil Nadu 600 113, India
Caterpillar Industrias Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V. Carretera a Villa de Garcia km. 4.5 Santa Catarina,
Nuevo Leon, Mexico CP. 66350 (Mexico)
Caterpillar Industries (Pty) Ltd 7A Lindsay Street, Wifontein, Kempton Park, Gauteng 1620 (South Africa) South Africa Aneshree Govender (IO)
Lourens Gerber (DIO)
Caterpillar Insurance Co. Ltd. 2120 West End Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee 37023-0001, United States United States  
Caterpillar Insurance Services Corporation 2120 West End Avenue
Nashville Tennessee 37203-0001 (United States)
United States  
Caterpillar Insurance Company 2120 West End Avenue
Nashville Tennessee 37203-0001 (United States)
United States  
Caterpillar International Finance Luxembourg, S.a.r.l. 4a, rue Henri Schnadt, Luxembourg  L-2530, Luxembourg Luxembourg  
Caterpillar International Luxembourg I S.a.r.l. 4A, Rue Henri M. Schnadt, L-2530, Luxembourg Luxembourg  
Caterpillar International Luxembourg II S.a.r.l. 4A, Rue Henri M. Schnadt, L-2530, Luxembourg Luxembourg  
Caterpillar International Services del Peru S.A. Jr. Cristóbal de Peralta Norte 820, Surco, Lima, Peru Peru  
Caterpillar Japan LLC 7-1, Minatomirai 3-chome, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken 2200012, Japan Japan  
Caterpillar Latin America Services de Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V. Carretera a Villa de Garcia KM 4.5, Santa Catarina Nuevo Leon CP 66350, Mexico Mexico  
Caterpillar Latin America Services de Panama, S. de R.L. Business Park, Torre Oeste, Piso 1, Esquina de la Ave Principal y Ave La Rotonda, Costa del Este, Ciudad de Panama, Panama Panama, Republic of  
Caterpillar Latin America Servicios de Chile Limitada Rosario Norte 407, Piso 14, Las Condes Santiago Chile Chile  
Caterpillar Latin America Support Services, S. DE R.L. Edificio Customer Center, Caterpillar Campus, Carretera Conectora Oeste, Area Panama-Pacifico, Veracruz, Distrito de Arraijan, Provincia de Panama, Panama Panama, Republic of  
Caterpillar Leasing (Thailand) Limited 1760 Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok Sub-district, Phrakanong District, Bangkok  10150, Thailand Thailand  
Caterpillar Leasing Chile, S.A. Rosario Norte 407, Piso 14, Las Condes, 7561156, Santiago, Chile Chile  
Caterpillar Life Insurance Company 2120 West End Avenue
Nashville Tennessee 37203-0001 (United States)
United States  
Caterpillar Logistics (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. 500 Ton Shun Avenue, Shanghai, Peoples Republic of China China  
Caterpillar Logistics (UK) Limited Eastfield, Peterborough  PE1 5FQ, England & Wales United Kingdom  
Caterpillar Logistics Inc. 100 NE Adams Street, Peoria, Illinois 61629, United States United States  
Caterpillar Luxembourg S.a.r.l. 4a, rue Henri Schnadt, Luxembourg  L-2530, Luxembourg Luxembourg  
Caterpillar Machinery Nantong Co Ltd No. 18 Zhusong Road, Xitong Technology Industrial Zone, Tongzhou District, Nantong City, Jiangsu, Peoples Republic of China China  
Caterpillar Marine Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. 7 Tractor Road, Singapore  627968, Singapore Singapore Xiangpeng Xie (DPO)
Caterpillar Marine Power UK Limited 22 Cobham Road, Ferndown Industrial Estate Co Dorset, Wimborne  BH21 7PG, England & Wales United Kingdom  
Caterpillar Marine Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 333 Futexi First Road, Room B8 4th Floor Changcheng Building, Waigaoqiao FTZ 200131, Peoples Republic of China China  
Caterpillar Maroc SARL Route Desserte des Usines, Autoroute Casablanca-Rabat (km 11,6) Ain Sebaa, Casablanca  20250, Morocco Morocco  
Caterpillar Materiels Routiers SAS 21 Avenue Jean Jaures, BP 2F, Rantigny  F-60290, France France  
Caterpillar Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Carretera a Villa de Garcia KM 4.5
Santa Catarina Nuevo Leon CP 66350 (Mexico)
Caterpillar Mining Chile Servicios Limitada Rosario Norte 407, piso 14 Las Condes, Santiago, Chile Chile  
Caterpillar Motoren (Guangdong) Co. Ltd. Shizhou Industrial Estate Chencun Town, Shunde District, Foshan City Guangdong 528314, Peoples Republic of China China  
Caterpillar Motoren GmbH & Co. KG Falckensteiner Strasse 2, Kiel  24159, Germany Germany Regine Oppelland (DPO)  
Caterpillar Motoren Henstedt-Ulzburg GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 5-9, Henstedt-Ulzburg 24558, Germany Germany Regine Oppelland (DPO)  
Caterpillar Motoren Rostock GmbH Werftallee 3, Rostock 18119, Germany Germany Regine Oppelland (DPO)  
Caterpillar of Australia Pty. Ltd. 1 Caterpillar Drive, Tullamarine Victoria 3043, Australia Australia  
Caterpillar of Canada Corporation 3700 Steeles Avenue West, Suite 902, Woodbridge Ontario L4L 8K8, Canada Canada  
Caterpillar Operator Training Ltd. 1-1 Ichinomiya 7-chome, Samukawa-machi, koza-gun, Kanagawa-ken 2530111, Japan Japan  
Caterpillar Panama Services S.A. Edificio Regional Shared Services Center, Caterpillar Campus, Carretera Conectora Oeste, Area Panama-Pacifico, Veracruz, Distrito de Arraijan, Provincia de Panama, Panama Panama, Republic of  
Caterpillar Paving Products Inc. 9401 85th Avenue N, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota 55445-2199, United States United States  
Caterpillar Paving Products Xuzhou Ltd. South District of Jinshanqiao Development Zone, Xuzhou Jiangsu Province 221004, Peoples Republic of China China  
Caterpillar Poland Sp. z o.o. U1 Lubielski 74, 23 300 Janow, Lubelski  23-300, Poland Poland  
Caterpillar Power Generation Systems (Bangladesh) Limited lttefaq Bhaban, 1st floor, 1 R. K. Mission Rd., Motijheel, Dhaka 1203 Bangladesh  
Caterpillar Precision Seals Korea 538-5, Segyo-dong, Pyeongtaek-si Gyeonggi-do 450-818, Korea, South Korea  
Caterpillar Prodotti Stradali S.r.l. Via IV Novembre 2, Minerbio Bologna I-40061, Italy Italy  
Caterpillar Propulsion AB Tarnvagen 15, Hono  47540, Sweden Sweden  
Caterpillar Propulsion International Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 6F, Lei Shing International Plaza No. 1319, West Yan'an Road, Shanghai  20050, Peoples Republic of China China  
Caterpillar Propulsion Production AB Langesand 1, Box 1005, Ockero  47522, Sweden Sweden  
Caterpillar Propulsion Pte Ltd No. 5 Tukang Innovation Grove, .618304, Singapore Singapore  
Caterpillar Propulsion Singapore Pte Ltd 87 Tuas South Avenue 1, .  637419, Singapore Singapore  
Caterpillar Ramos Arizpe Services, S.A. de C.V Boulevard Industria de la Transformacion No 3135
Parque Industrial Saltillo-Ramos Arizpe
Coahuila 25000 (Mexico)
Caterpillar R & D Center (China) Co., Ltd. Lot B6-D, National High-Tech Development Zone, Wuxi, Jiangsu  214028, Peoples Republic of China China  
Caterpillar Reman Powertrain Indiana LLC 100 NE Adams Street, Peoria, Illinois 61629, United States United States  
Caterpillar Remanufacturing Drivetrain LLC 100 NE Adams St
Peoria Illinois 61629 United States
United States  
Caterpillar Remanufacturing Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Plant 3#, Lingang Industrial Park, 1555 Cenglin Road, Pudong, Shanghai  201306, Peoples Republic of China China  
Caterpillar Renting France S.A.S. 84 Rue Charles Michels, Saint Denis Cedex 93284, France France  
Caterpillar Reynosa, S.A. de C.V. Carretera Reynosa Matamoros Brecha E-99 SN, Parque Industrial Reynosa, Reynosa Tamaulipas C.P. 88780, Mexico Mexico  
Caterpillar SARL Route de Frontenex 76, 1208 Geneva, Switzerland Switzerland  
Caterpillar Services Germany GmbH Falckensteiner Str. 2, 24159 Kiel, Germany Germany Peter Henningsen (DPO)
Caterpillar Servicios Limitada Rosario Norte 407, Piso 14, Las Condes, 7561156, Santiago, Chile Chile  
Caterpillar Servicios Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V. Carretera a Villa de Garcia Km 4.5, Santa Catarina Nuevo Leon CP 66350, Mexico Mexico  
Caterpillar Servizi Italia Srl Via IV Novembre 2, Minerbio 40061, Italy Italy  
Caterpillar Shrewsbury Limited Lancaster Road, Shrewsbury, Shropshire  SY1 3NX, England & Wales United Kingdom  
Caterpillar Skinningrove Limited Skinningrove Works, Carlin How, Saltburn By The Sea, Cleveland England TS13 4EE, England & Wales United Kingdom  
Caterpillar Slovakia s.r.o. Zbrojnicná 6, Košice - mestská cast, Staré Mesto 040 01, SK , Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Slovakia  
Caterpillar Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd. Gallagher Convention Centre, 19 Richards Road, Halfway House, Midrand  1685, South Africa South Africa Aneshree Govender (IO)
Stephane Latini (DIO)
Caterpillar Tianjin Ltd. No. 25, Huanhe West Road, Tianjin Airport Economy Area, Tianjin  300308, Peoples Republic of China China  
Caterpillar Tosno, L.L.C. 1/1 Moskovskoye shosse, Leningradskaya Oblast, Tosno 187000, Russian Federation Russia  
Caterpillar Tunneling Canada Corporation 3190 Orlando Drive, Unit A, Mississauga Ontario L4V 1R5, Canada Canada  
Caterpillar Undercarriage (Xuzhou) Co., Ltd. No 8 Jinchuan Road, Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Xuzhou, Peoples Republic of China China  
Caterpillar Underground Mining Pty. Ltd. 2-8 Hopkinson Street, South Burnie Tasmania 7320, Australia Australia  
Caterpillar Used Equipment Services Inc. 100 NE Adams Street, Peoria, Illinois 61629, United States United States  
Caterpillar Work Tools B.V. 400 Work Tool Drive, Wamego Kansas 66547-1299, United States United States  
Caterpillar Work Tools, Inc. 400 Work Tool Drive, Wamego Kansas 66547-1299, United States United States  
ECM S.p.A. Serravalle Pistoiese (PT), Via IV Novembr 29 Frazione Cantagrillo Italy  
EDC European Excavator Design Center GmbH & Co. KG Karl-Rapp Strasse 1, Wackersdorf  92442, Germany Germany Claudia Panse (DPO)  
Electro-Motive Diesel Limited Electro-Motive Diesel LImited c/o Perkins Engines Company Limited Eastfield, Frank Perkins Way   England  
Electro-Motive Locomotive Technologies LLC 75 Sadovnicheskaya emb. 115035 Moscow Russia  
Electro-Motive Technical Consulting Co. (Beijing) Ltd. Room 1601 Caterpillar Tower No.8 Wangjing Street Chaoyang District Beijing 100102 P.R. China China    
Equipos de Acuña, S.A. de C.V. Km 8.5 Carr. Presa Amistad, CD Acuna MX 26220, Mexico Mexico  
GFCM Comercial México, S.A. de C.V., SOFOM, ENR Corporativo Santa Maria 
Boulevard Diaz Ordaz 130 Pte, Torre 4, Piso 11 Colonia Santa Maria, C.P. 64650
Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
GFCM Servicios, S.A de C.V Corporativo Santa Maria 
Boulevard Diaz Ordaz 130 Pte, Torre 4, Piso 11 Colonia Santa Maria, C.P. 64650
Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Kemper Valve & Fittings Corp. 3001 Darrell Road
Island Lake Illinois 60042 (United States)
United States  
Mec-Track S.r.l. Via Muzza Spadetta 30, Bazzano Bologna  I-40053, Italy Italy  
Motoren Steffens GmbH Geefacker 63, Kleve 47533, Germany Germany  
MWM Austria GmbH Munchner Strabe 22, A-6130 Schwaz, Austria Austria  
MWM Benelux B.V. Soerweg 13, 3088 GR, Rotterdam, Netherlands Netherlands  
MWM Energy Australia Pty Ltd 1 Caterpillar Way, Tullamarine Vic 3043, Australia Australia  
MWM France S.A.S. 99 Avenue Louis Roche
Gennevilliers 92230 (France)
Nippon Caterpillar LLC 32-2, Honcho 1 Chome 
Nakano-Ku, Tokyo, 1640012, Japan
PT Caterpillar Finance Indonesia The Garden Centre Building, Suite No. 5-12
Cilandak Commercial Estate, Jalan Raya Cilandak KKO
Jakarta 12560 Indonesia
P. T. Solar Services Indonesia Landmark Center, Tower A 10th Floor, Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 1, Jakarta  12910, Indonesia Indonesia  
Perkins Engines (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd 7 Tractor Road, Singapore   627968, Singapore Singapore Zhiquin Wu (DPO)
Perkins Engines Company Limited Eastfield, Peterborough  PE1 5FQ, England & Wales United Kingdom  
Perkins Engines, Inc. 11 East Chase Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202, United States United States  
Perkins India Private Limited 7th Floor, International Tech Park, Teramani Road, Teramani,Chennai 600 113, India India  
Perkins Machinery (Changshu) Co., Ltd. Building 6, Advanced Manufacture Center
No 788, DongNan Road,
Changshu 215500 (Peoples Republic of China)
Perkins Motores do Brasil Ltda. Rua Joao Che de 2489 CIC, Curitiba Parana 81170-220, Brazil Brazil Ana Paula Costa (DPO)
Perkins Power Systems Technology (Wuxi) Co., Ltd. No.8 Xinchang South Road, Wuxi National Hi- tech Development Zone, Jiangsu, Peoples Republic of China China  
Perkins Small Engines (Wuxi) Co., Ltd. No. 10 South Xinchang Road, Wuxi Jiangsu 214142, Peoples Republic of China China  
Progress Rail Arabia Limited Company Al Nakhlah Tower King Fahd Road & Thumamah Road Interchange Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Kingdom of Saudi Arabia    
Progress Rail Australia Pty Ltd Level 1, 7K Parkes Street
Harris Park NSW 2150 (Australia)
Progress Rail Canada Corporation  1600 Progress Drive PO Box 1037 Albertville, Al  35950 Canada  
Progress Rail de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Pino Suarez 300 7 Monterrey Centro Monterrey, Nuevo Leon CP 64000 Mexico Mexico  
Progress Rail Equipamentos e Servicos Ferroviarios do Brasil Ltda. Estr. Carlos Roberto Prataviera - Jardim Sao Jorge
Hortolandia - SP Brazil
Brazil Hercules de Luna (DPO)
Progress Rail Equipment Leasing Corporation 1600 Progress Drive PO Box 1037 Albertville, Al  35950 USA    
Progress Rail Innovations Private Limted D149-153, Hosiery Complex, Phase II Extn., Neida 201305, India India  
Progress Rail Inspection & Information Systems GmbH Carl-Benz-Str. 1 D-68167 Mannheim, Germany Germany Michael Stella (DPO)
Progress Rail Locomotivas (do Brasil) Ltda. Rua Georg Rexroth, 609, Bloco D. conjuntos 1 e 2 Jardim Padre Anchieta Diadema Sao Paulo 09951-270 (Brazil) Brazil Hercules de Luna (DPO)
Progress Rail Locomotive Canada Co.   11420-184 Street Edmonton AB Canada T5S 2W7 Canada  
Progress Rail Locomotive Inc.  9301 W 55th Street LaGrange, IL  60525 USA  
Progress Rail Maintenance de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Washington S/N, Col. - Ferrocarril, C.P. , Guadlahara 44440, Mexico Mexico  
Progress Rail Manufacturing Corporation  3500 S. Cowan Road Muncie Indiana 47302-9555 USA  
Progress Rail Raceland Corporation  1600 Progress Drive PO Box 1037 Albertville, Al  35950 USA  
Progress Rail SA Proprietary Limited 33 Kambathi Street N4 Gateway Industrial Park Willow Park Manor X65 Gauteng 0184 South Africa South Africa Aneshree Govender (IO)
Barend Hanekom (IO)
Progress Rail Services Corporation  1600 Progress Drive PO Box 1037 Albertville, Al  35950 USA  
Progress Rail Services UK Limited Osmaston Street Sandiacre Nottingham NG10 5AN UK England  
Progress Rail Transcanada Corporation  1600 Progress Drive PO Box 1037 Albertville, Al  35950 USA  
Progress Rail Welding Corporation  1600 Progress Drive PO Box 1037 Albertville, Al  35950 USA  
PT. Bucyrus Indonesia Beltway Office Park, Building C, Level 3, Unit 03-02, Jl. TB Simatupang No. 41, Kelurahan Ragunan Kecamatan, Pasar Minggu Jakarta Selatan  12550, Indonesia Indonesia  
PT. Caterpillar Indonesia Jl. Raya Naragong KM.
19 Cileungsi Bogor
Jawa Barat 16820 Indonesia
PT. Caterpillar Indonesia Batam Jl. Brigjen Katamso KM. 6, Kel. Tanjung Uncang, Batam, Indonesia Indonesia  
PT. Caterpillar Remanufacturing Indonesia Jl. Raya Naragong KM, 19 Cileungsi Bogor, Jawa Barat  16820, Indonesia Indonesia  
S&L Railroad, LLC  1600 Progress Drive PO Box 1037 Albertville, Al  35950    
SCM Singapore Holdings Pte Ltd 7 Tractor Road, Singapore  048620, Singapore Singapore  
Servicios de Turbinas Solar, S. de R.L. de C.V. Av. Framboyanes, MZ 6, Lotes 1-15, Cd. Ind. Bruno Pagliai, Veracruz C.P. 91697, Mexico Mexico  
Solar Turbines (Beijing) Trading & Services Co., Ltd. Room 2103 China Life Tower, No. 16, Chaowaidajie, Chaoyang District, Beijing  100020, Peoples Republic of China China  
Solar Turbines (Thailand) Ltd. No.5 Ramkhumheang Road, Huamark, Bangkapi, Bangkok  10240, Thailand Thailand  
Solar Turbines Canada Ltd. / Ltee 2510 84th Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T6P, Ik3, Canada Canada  
Solar Turbines CIS Limited Liability Company Osennyi boulevard, 23 Moscow 121609 Russia  
Solar Turbines EAME s.r.o. Bucharova 1281/2, 158 00 Prague 5 Czech Republic Czech Republic  
Solar Turbines Egypt Limited Liability Company 44 Palestine Street, New Maadi Vairo, Cairo, Egypt Egypt  
Solar Turbines Europe S.A. Avenue des Etats Unis 1, Gosselies  B 6041, Belgium Belgium  
Solar Turbines Incorporated 2200 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California 92101, United States United States  
Solar Turbines India Private Limited 202, 2nd Floor, Hiranandani Business Park, Powai, Mumbai, 400076, India. India  
Solar Turbines International Company 2200 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California 92101, United States United States  
Solar Turbines Italy S.R.L. via Battistini 21A,Parma 43100 Italy Italy  
Solar Turbines Malaysia Sdn Bhd Lot 6.05, Level 6, KPMG Tower, 8 First Avenue, Bandar Utama, Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan 47800, Malaysia Malaysia  
Solar Turbines Middle East Limited PO Box 9275, c/o Al Tammi & Company, Advocates and Legal Consultants, 15th Floor, the Maze Tower, Dubai, UAE United Arab Emirates  
Solar Turbines Services Company 2200 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California 92101, United States United States  
Solar Turbines Services Nigeria Limited Plot 133, Trans Amadi Industrial Estate, Redeem Road, Oginigba Port Harcourt Nigeria Nigeria  
Solar Turbines Services of Argentina S.R.L. Maipu 1210, Buenos Aires Argentina Argentina  
Solar Turbines Slovakia s.r.o Kovacska 19, Kosice, SK 040 01, Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Slovakia  
Solar Turbines Switzerland Sagl Camoagna 15, Riazzino, 6595, Switzerland Switzerland  
Solar Turbines Trinidad & Tobago Limited 48-50 Sackville Street, PO Box 75, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad & Tobago  
Solar Turbines West-Africa SARL Face à l’entrée de Collège Victor Hugo, quartier SBOM, BP, 2765 Port-Gentil, Gabon Gabon  

SPM Oil & Gas Canada Ltd.

5233 49 Ave, Red Deer AB T4N 6G5, Canada



SPM Oil & Gas Colombia S.A.S.

Cra 25 A N° 11- 64, Bogota D.c., 111411221 (No Lo Exigen Colocar En Camara De Comercio), Colombia



SPM Oil & Gas Hong Kong Limited

13822 Furman Rd Suite J, Houston, TX 77047

Hong Kong


SPM Oil & Gas Inc.

601 Weir Way
Ft. Worth, TX 76108

United States

SPM Oil & Gas Singapore Pte. Ltd. 57 Mohamed Sultan Road, Suite 03-07, Sultan Link, SG 238997  Singapore  

SPM Oil & Gas Tianjin Ltd

Room 312, Rongke Building, No. 8, Zhaofa Xincun, Tianjin EconomicTechnological Development Area, China



PT SPM Oil & Gas Indonesia

Suite 701B, 7th Floor, Setiabudi Atrium, JI. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav 62, Jakarta 12920, Indonesia


Tecnologia Modificada, S.A. de C.V. Transformacion No 545, Parque Industrial FINSA, Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas CP 88275, Mexico Mexico  
Tokyo Rental Ltd. 32-2, Honcho 1-chome, Nakano-ku, Tokyo  1640012, Japan Japan  
Turbinas Solar de Columbia S.A. Calle 70 # 4-60, Bogota D.C., Colombia Colombia  
Turbinas Solar de Venezuela, C.A. Avenida Jorge Rodriquez, Sector las Garzas, Torre B.V.C., Piso 6, Oficina 6R, Puerto La Cruz, Estado Anzoategui Venezuela Venezuela  
Turbinas Solar S.A. de C.V. Av. Framboyanes, MZ 6, Lotes 1-15, Cd. Ind. Bruno Pagliai, Veracruz C.P. 91697, Mexico Mexico  
Turbo Tecnologia de Reparaciones S.A. de C.V. Calle Chilpancingo 361, Parque Industrial Francionamiento Chilpancingo, Tijuana  22440, Mexico Mexico  
Turbomach Endustriyel Gaz Turbinleri Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Kavacik Mah. Sehit, Tegmen Ali Yilmaz Sok. No: 13, Guven Sazak Plaza A Blok, Kat:1 TR-34810 Beykoz, Istanbul Turkey Turkey  
Turbomach France S.A.R.L. 11 rue de la Mare a Tissier, BP73, St-Pierre-Du-Perray  FR-91280, France France  
Turbomach GmbH Weisenstrasse 10-12, Griesheim  64347, Germany Germany STREIT GmbH
Lahnstraße 27-29, 64625 Bensheim

Mail: [email protected]
Turbomach Netherlands B.V. Rijksstraatweg 22 G, 2171 AL Sassenheim 1329BD, The Netherlands Netherlands  
Turbomach Pakistan (Private) Limited 32-K, B-1 Gulberg II, Lahore 54000, Pakistan Pakistan  
Turbomach S.A. Unipersonal via Campagna 15, Riazzino  6595, Switzerland Spain  
Turbomach Sp.Zo.o. ul. Mikolowska 7, 44-100, Gliwice, Poland Poland  
Turner Powertrain Systems Limited Racecourse Road, West Midlands, Wolverhampton England WV6 0QT, England & Wales United Kingdom