5 Things You May Not Know about Remanufacturing 

April 12, 2022


Cat® Reman is at the heart of our commitment to providing important customer services and sustainable solutions. We are committed to returning our end-of-life products back to a like-new state –  in an efficient, safe and environmentally resourceful way. 

Did you know… 



1. Cat® Reman helps customers meet their sustainability goals and supports lower owning and operating costs for customers.

Many remanufacturers clean used parts, then destructively bore and mill them. Our approach is different and more comprehensive. At Caterpillar, remanufacturing isn’t rebuilding, recycling, refurbishing, reconditioning, repairing, overhauling, or down-cycling. It’s better.  

2. Remanufacturing makes a significant contribution to a circular economy.

With our company’s strategy focused heavily on increasing services that offer superior customer value, we are in a position to help our customers achieve their sustainability goals by satisfying a steady demand for remanufactured products and components.  

This is because the manufacture of Reman products uses 82 percent less water, 85 percent less raw material and 85 percent less energy than the manufacture of new products. In addition, Reman processes produce 61 percent less greenhouse gas emissions.  

3. 131 million pounds. That’s the amount of materials Cat Reman customers helped keep out of the landfill in 2020. 

Reducing waste through remanufacturing and rebuilding is good for the environment, customers and the enterprise. Cat Reman products take up 85 percent less landfill space when compared to the manufacture of new products. 

4. Industries such as on-highway trucking, mining, construction, industrial power, and more all have Cat Reman product options for equipment repair. 

More customers are looking for environmentally friendly – and cost-effective – upkeep solutions like our remanufactured products. Caterpillar’s remanufacturing and rebuild operations provide customers with quality equipment that helps deliver lower owning and operating costs. 

5. Caterpillar is one of the largest global remanufacturers and is well-positioned to keep growing Cat Reman offerings in the future.

With almost 50 years of remanufacturing experience, we’re proud of our history and future as one of the world’s largest global remanufacturers using state-of-the-art technology to salvage what would otherwise be scrap parts. Our engineering and manufacturing expertise, field population and independent dealer organization make it possible for us to offer remanufactured products and components through many of our brands and rebuild options through our dealers.